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Ganaches Boxes

Single Origin or Flavored, La Manufacture’s ganaches boxes come in dark or milk chocolate. The cocoa source is key in the discovery of the Single Origin Ganaches because it is the terroir of each country, or more precisely, each region that gives the beans their singular flavor. Obvious and flavorful pairings, creamy textures, crunchy or crispy, the Flavored Ganaches are developed from a spice base and either fresh or dried fruit, and includes coffee, tea or alcohol. The ingredients are rigorously selected and worked with passion: voila the luxury of artisanal crafting that takes its time.
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Single-Origin Ganaches

Single-Origin Ganaches 30 pieces

Ganaches Box - 240g

€43.60 HT
Flavored Ganaches

Flavored Ganaches 21 pieces

Ganaches Box - 170g

€31.28 HT

Ganaches Boxes

Our ganaches are a mix of finely chopped chocolate and fresh cream that is heated and flavored with coffee, spices, fruit pulp, or alcohol. The art of La Manufacture’s artisan chocolatiers consists of composing a perfect ganache. This presumes a complete mastery of the ingredients, the motions, and the temperature so that the resulting paste is light and melting, dense and creamy, with a perfectly smooth texture.